This post of mine is dedicated to all questions and queries one has in mind before getting into a relationship. There are a lot of questions popping in mind without any stop -- Have u been in relationship b4 ? Why was there a breakup ? Are you a virgin ? Blah !!! More than seeing the compatibility , the understanding , things which bother to general mass are incidences which happened in our past. Why don't they understand its because of that past today we are what we are. I feel a mere realization of mistakes committed in past is enough to have a healthy future. Just that one should make sure that the kinds of mistake done should not be repeated. However you're always free to commit new kinds of them . Why would a person want his spouse to be a fresh nut when he's himself is not one. We all have the freedom to try our luck with the search of finding out the most compatible people in the world. Some find them easily , and some don't - doesn't mean you start questioning there character . All it means is things have not been easy for them.I always believe if you have to please anyone in the world first please yourself. In this life , crying over a relationship which did not work should be the last thing one should do . You should learn from that and just move forward. And yes questions and queries about you being a virgin - I would say you have full rights not to answer that question . That's something as personal as how many times you shit a day . Dude !! That is what all you want ? Don't you ? Grow up ! One should never try to judge someone on the counts of bf/gf they have made in past. If you really wanna judge , judge on what they have learn't from it. The more they've learnt , the more tarnished and ready they are to be with you. Love is the warmth you share with that person , not about the warmth which were shared with others. Don't be with someone just because you feel he's sexy , he has money. Be with him because he respects who you are regardless of what you have been , or what you are gonna turn into tomorrow. Be with him because for all you know he's the most compatible person you can find in life. Be with him because you know you can be his for all your life. Be with him because you know , He's the only one you can live a lifetime with... Love is about living a lifetime together not about cribbing over incidences.